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Ms. Patznick is the account manager for services provided by Central Ohio Geriatrics. She is an employee of Paumier Medical Management Group, which serves as the billing and credentialing service for Central Ohio Geriatrics. Please direct billing or credentialing questions to Ms. Patznick at (740) 587-1361.
Ms. Patznick is the account manager for services provided by Central Ohio Geriatrics. She is an employee of Paumier Medical Management Group, which serves as the billing and credentialing service for Central Ohio Geriatrics. Please direct billing or credentialing questions to Ms. Patznick at (740) 587-1361.
Tiffany Patznick, Account Representative
Ms. Patznick handles any billing inquiries you may have regarding services provided by Central Ohio Geriatrics. Feel free to give her a call at